
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The New Year's Eve Dress Debacle

Mike and I decided to hit the town (of Virginia Beach) this year for New Year's Eve at a swanky little club with a champagne toast and balloon drop at midnight. I decided earlier this week I wanted to make a dress for the event. I knew exactly want I wanted. Gold dress with cream lace sleeves, lace ruffles around the neck and a bright red (or maybe navy blue) belt. I hit up JoAnn's with my vintage pattern in hand and bought all the material and trimmings for $25. Not bad for a New Year's dress, right?

I remember why I never work with's so hard to handle! It's slippery, it frays, it wrinkles easy, but it's so pretty :). I cut out the dress front and back, sleeves, and lining. 

Sewing darts into the front of the dress, which I HATE sewing darts. I'm terrible at it! Then sewing the front of the dress to the back.

Pinning the lace in place and finishing up the sleeves. Isn't that lace just beautiful?

Voila! The dress is finished! It's everything I had in mind and more. I bought that red belt from a thrift store a few months back for 75 cents, so I can take back the red ribbon I originally purchased for the belt (saving me $3.50). So after all of this, want to know the bad, terrible, sad news? IT DOESN'T FIT! It's too big! I took a seam down the back and it made it a bit smaller, but it's still not quite as flattering on me as I had hoped. Oh well, it's still a lovely dress, which I'll wear one day...just not today.