
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vintage Valentines

I spent a little time perusing the Library of Congress web site for old school Valentines. Just look at these beauties!

 Created in 1883, this was an advertisement for the Prang & Co. card company. 

Valentine from 1890, Cupid's message says "Pray Sweetheart, send me just a line to say you'll be my Valentine."

 Card published in 1919, the message certainly wouldn't have convinced me to be his Valentine!

 A wood engraving from 1860 showing several scenes from the very romantic card writing and receiving.

Wait, is this the Campbell's soup kid? Or the Gerber baby? Either way, I like it. Dated 1919.

Real lace on the front and the message of "So strong's the flame of love for thee that in my heart doth burn, this world to me were paradise didst thou but love me in return" who could say no??? Dated 1890.

 Now Puck, he must have been a man of real romance! I also learned what "putti" meant from reading the description of the artwork – go ahead, learn something and Google 'putti.' Dated 1909.

Just love this one, especially sine it's actually Leap Year! Dated 1904.