
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Office Updo

I've been wanting to give my office a little facelift for a while. Although, considering we rent and my office is actually in a closet, I don't really have a ton of options. So I did a few low-cost decorations and storage ideas that have already proven helpful. Annnnnd, I got my new computer up and running and all my files transferred (a much bigger task than I thought). 

 This might seem a little obsessive, but I made labels for all my plastic boxes (and organized all the contents) to easily locate all my crafts. I also came up with a new system of categorizing my crafts by fabric bins labeled "in progress," "needs tagging" and "finished." Totally nerdy, I know.... but totally helpful!

My two bookshelves, only one of which is occupied by books. The other holds all my clothing patterns, buttons, zippers, markers and my new tea pot from Punky and the City.

I covered a piece of foam core ($1 at the Dollar Tree) with material I've had for years. I labeled some hanging folders for shipping labels and inventory forms and hung my handmade stamps with clothespins.

This project was particularly easy and free (thanks to Barney, Mike's dad). He had some extra pegboard laying around his garage, so we painted it and added a bunch of hooks to help me organize a bunch of items I never have a place for.

I decided to dye this old Ikea rug with some bright yellow dye. I found that bold yellow fabric at Hancock's for $2.50 a yard, so I made a cushion for my chair and a new curtain for the shelves.