
Friday, August 17, 2012

30 Days of Lists

Remember the 30 Days of Lists project I did last September? I've signed up to do it again. And this year is going to be even bigger and better, more than 100 participants have signed up. I've decided to change up my routine this year and make the whole book ahead of time, that way I just have to read the prompts every morning, write in my response and blog it. It'd be too much work everyday with the new job, blog, and two freelance jobs I'm in the middle of currently.


If you're interested in joining the fun, you have until the end of the month. It's $8, but you get chances to win fun prizes and meet all sorts of great, creatives in the blogosphere. Just go here and follow the instructions.

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
See the full post and list here and comment
if you want to help me cross a off a few!