
Friday, August 31, 2012

#26: Visit the Eastern Shore

I've made an executive decision to replace the Eastern Shore trip with a Lake Anna Trip. I know, how is this possible you ask?

Short answer, I'm the boss of the list and I do what I want.

Long answer, since I started working a month ago (I can't believe it's been a month already!), I've just run out of time to conquer everything on the list. My good friend Doug rented a lake house up on Lake Anna for Labor Day weekend and I couldn't bare the thought of missing out on all the fun (plus, we never get to hang out). So, the lake trip replaces the shore trip...I mean it's pretty much the same thing...a body of water, a tank of gas to get there, the great outdoors. In reality, Lake Anna is going to be 100 times better. So, last list item I'll be able to cross of for the 2012 92 Days of Summer.

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#67: Ride my Bike


Before I started working full-time I was riding my bike a good amount to run errands to the post office, bank and library. Maybe I should bring my bike to work and ride it around Town Center during lunch!? Or maybe not...

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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if you want to help me cross a off a few!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

#42: Guy's Night

The perfect guys night? The Fantasy Football Draft, beer and pizza.

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#78: Sidewalk Chalk

When I found this awesome little tutorial through Pinterest it was immediately added to the Summer list. I finally got around to try it out, and it's perfect! I tried two different colors, since I'm (hopefully) going to be giving a class at Kitsch for little kids and need to save all the toilet/paper towel rolls I can (#25: Teach a Class).

I was thinking the whole time I was making the chalk that I can't wait for little Thomas to get big enough and we can make chalk together! It's a great little DIY for children, and even better, it'll provide hours of fun to come.

Here's what you need:
disposable bowls
plastic spoons
wax paper
toilet/paper towel rolls
masking tape
3/4 cup warm water
1 1/2 cup plaster of paris
2-3 tbsp tempera paint

What you do:
1. Cut the wax paper in squares, cover one end of the toilet paper rolls and tape all the way around and twice around the bottom (making an 'X'). You're securing the paper so the plaster won't leak out.

2. Cut squares of wax paper for each of the tubes you're going to fill. Insert the paper into the rolls, it's okay if you have excess paper hanging out, just make sure no cardboard of the roll is exposed.

3. In a bowl, mix the plaster and water, start stirring with your spoon and then add your paint. If the color isn't vibrant enough, add more. You'll have to mix quickly though, because the plaster will set up within 20-30 minutes of that first drop of water.

4. Now spoon the mixture into your toilet paper rolls, gently tapping the bottoms along your work surface. This will ride the chalk of any air bubbles. Within 30 minutes the plaster seems hard, but it really should sit AT LEAST 24 hours. Once you've patiently waited, you can peal away the wax paper and start your chalk masterpiece on the nearest sidewalk.

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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if you want to help me cross a off a few!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

#37: Tienda Jessy's

We had planned to go golfing (#91) after work last night. Unfortunately, the course was being aerated and then it decided to pour down rain. Instead we drove around the neighborhood a while, admiring all the houses and then we headed over to Tienda Jessy's. I'm not sure how I even heard of this place or why I even added to the list to begin with, but I'm SO happy we went (way) out of our way to try it.

Honestly, it's a total dive. It's attached to a little ethnic grocery store, the room was filled with a thick grease cloud and they were playing the entire Soundgarden CD. But, it was amazing. The place was packed, the food was delicious and the people were so kind.

I tried the veggie sopes and tostada. Mike got a huge plate of meat, haha. I loved how fresh all the food was (even if half of it was fried). The sauces were pretty spicy, but excellent and they even served Coca-Cola products in the old school glass bottles...who does that anymore?

I definitely have to give this place two thumbs up. Until next time, Jessy.

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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#86: Freebie

I can't complain about all the crazy weather we've
been having when we get a beautiful sight like this.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

#82: Photo Story

 I'm starting my fourth week of work and everything has been going great. I got my business cards and I feel so official, not to fancy with that "Creative Director" title and all, haha.

I've been feeding my coffee habit with a fourth of a cup every morning. It's funny how I still get up around the same time as when I worked at home, but the getting ready and commute makes me so sleepy within the first 20 minutes of work. 

My computer at the office is a PC, which I haven't used since I worked at the's an interesting twist for sure. I've learned a new real estate/mapping software and deal with site plans, aerials and renderings on a daily basis.


I've brought a small collection of my favorites to work, along with my always growing pile of post cards. I inherited the ICSC Dictionary of Shopping Center Terms - who thought I'd ever need one of these?

My office is right in Town Center, which I love. However, I'm not envious of their job above...ha.

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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#10: Run a Mile in 6:30

Obviously, this wasn't my addition to the mile remains somewhere around 10 minutes! However, Mike did it today in 6:37! Wowzers, he is good!

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#23: WatchThe Godfather Movies

We put this on the list because Mike had never seen any of them! I couldn't believe it! I watched them all for IMDB's 100 Greatest Movies List and didn't mind a bit watching them again. It's amazing to see Al Pacino, Marlin Brando, Diane Keaton and the rest of the cast look so young! #23, you have been crossed off!

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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if you want to help me cross a off a few!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

#70: Give up Soda

I wanted to give up soda for several reasons and really ween myself off of caffeine. So instead of the soda, I've been drinking more water and tea. I've only had two diet cokes the entire Summer, so I'm pretty pleased with myself :). Now if I could give up those delicious lagers and ales I'd be super impressed with myself!

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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if you want to help me cross a off a few!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

#38: Outdoor Festival

Kitsch had their six-month anniversary party last night. Since the shop can only hold about 10 people, they set up a tent with crafty DIYs outside. They invited the Hubcap Grill, Call Me Cupcake, Yummy Goodness and Norfolk Ramen to fuel us and had local buskers performing.

Hundreds turned out for the event! It was such a special night for everyone involved with the lovely Kitsch girls...and really the whole community. I love what this little store has done in Ghent and am so happy to be apart of it!

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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Friday, August 24, 2012

#76) Play in the Ocean

Yep, that's my parents, playing in the Ocean. Can't remember the last time I saw my mom in the water past her ankles!

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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Thursday, August 23, 2012

#75: Converse with a Stranger

I need to be more outgoing when around new people, that's why this was on the list. These are two "strangers" I conversed with at the OpSail event back in June...just found the photo when perusing the iPhone... They were sailors from the British Navy. Quite interesting guys, we even got them to dance the Casper Slide (or whatever it's called) with us. I'd say that's pretty outgoing!

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

#1: Save Money

Yep, we've managed to save $2,500 this Summer. Not to shabby, in my opinion.

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if you want to help me cross a off a few!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Greeting Cards

I have a bunch of new cards making their way to Kitsch today. I've completely sold out of all the packs I've given to the shop (jaw drops to floor), so I was in need of some fresh cards. I found a great medical handbook about children-related emergencies and a cookie cookbook at the DAV thrift store and bought both for $3.

This is the first time I'm trying the food images with written words like "You're So Sweet," "Happy Birthday To You," and "How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You." We'll see how this variety goes over, hopefully the cookie photos look so delicious to sell themselves :)

I also made a few more sets of the bird cards from the flashcards I bought months ago. This time I added music note paper and (vintage Vogue magazine) classified ads to the backgrounds. I just love those birds!

#19: IMAX Movie

Finally got around to seeing it. And it was SO worth the $15 price tag. Also crossing off #72: See a Movie, I'm not really sure why I included three movie-related to-do's for this list since I see about one movie a year in the theater (#29 is The Commodore).

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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Saturday, August 18, 2012

#35: Summer Cocktails

Grapefruit Mojito
What you need:
2 shots of rum
Juice of one grapefruit
handful of mint leaves
1/2 tsp honey
juice of one lime
splash of soda water

What you do:
1. Squeeze the juices from the grapefruit and lime into a glass. Add the honey and mix well.
2. Muddle (great article on muddling here) the mint with a dash of sugar. Add to the grapefruit mixture.
3. Add in two shots of rum, a splash of soda water and a handful of ice.

 Strawberry Basil "Sparkler"
What you need:
5 strawberries
1-2 basil leaves (the recipe called for 5, and that was just TOO many for me)
1 shot of vodka
5 oz soda water

What you do:
1. Muddle the strawberries and basil together.
2. Add in the rest of the ingredients and give a little stir.

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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if you want to help me cross a off a few!

Friday, August 17, 2012

#6: Local Music

Hell's Kitchen in downtown Norfolk has become our go-to bar this Summer. Mostly because of their live music every Friday and Saturday night. The bands never fail to rock out, as we never fail to form our own little dance party in the middle of the bar....

I'm tackling the second annual 92 Days of Summer list.
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if you want to help me cross a off a few!