Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy Blog Anniversary!
It's been 1 year since my first blog post on Fairview Place. The last 12 months have been filled with their ups and downs, stressful, yet exciting, journeys and a place I've really become proud to call my own. I've made 328 posts this year. I've had more than 14,000 hits from 10 countries. I reached 106 sales on Etsy. And more than 130 sales at Kitsch! Now, these numbers don't mean a lot in the real blogosphere world, but they do to me!
I have taken some time to reflect on this blog and what it's done for me through the past year. Then what it could do for me in the future. I've tried all sorts of crafts and cooked up a storm, Music Monday-ed my way through the year and listed my heart out. Although that does sum up about 87% of my life, there are other daily happenings - small and big - that should be captured. With that in mind, I've created some new weekly and/or monthly features that will start popping up next month.
So, hold on tight, I hope 2013 can be just as exciting as (if not MORE than) 2012...Cheers!