
Friday, April 26, 2013

Momentarily Obsessed With...

1) frank's red hot.  I feel like a pregnant woman because of the cravings I've been having for Frank's. I have never gone through so much hot sauce in my life! I seriously determine what I'm going to make for dinner based on if I can pour a little (or a lot) of Frank's on it. Honestly, I'm not ashamed. And, this might not be a momentary kind of thing...

2) hop notch IPA.  I've also been craving some tasty beers this month. I ran down to the Shady Grove just before sitting down to write this entry and picked up a six-pack of this IPA. It certainly packs a punch at 7.3% alcohol! The beverage is also pretty yummy. I'll try to keep to just one during this post :)

3) downton abbey. Thanks to my boss and a very convincing NPR article I started watching Downton Abbey last month. The first season started a tad slow, but by episode 3 I was hooked. The second season I was able to borrow from a friend (first season courtesy of Netflix), but I finally caved and bought the third season. I can't wait to find out how the wedding goes....! Eeek!

4) house key holder.  Probably be needing one of these very soon.... I've always had a thing for antique keys, and of course, nothing is better than that teal color!

5) leather wrap.  What a trendy way to carry all your electronic cords when traveling! Mine all end up in a zipper pouch and get into a tangled mess. I'm not sure when my next trip will be, but this will be on a must-have list.