
Monday, March 31, 2014

Self Portrait: March

I will apologize now for the high school selfie shot that appears to be my self portrait this month. I will tell you, this was taken with my 35mm, on a tripod and shot several times! I couldn't help myself though, the sunlight in our foyer (which I'm in fact not a fan of the wall color) was just so pretty as I walked in from work tonight. It sort of had this glowing haze throughout the stairwell, which couldn't describe any better my life this past week.

As I'm sure some of you have heard, but for those who haven't, Mike asked me to marry him! We had the perfect picnic lunch in Williamsburg, followed by a on-one-knee proposal, accompanied with an ovation from the tourists and a surprise stay at a local B&B. And if that wasn't enough, the sweet boy had the ring made from a necklace I inherited from my Godfather, the same necklace my mother worn in her wedding.

The outpouring of congratulations, love, praise and joy came from every corner of the world. Hearing the stories of him debating ring styles and calling my dad the day before filled my heart with happiness. Finding out that Emily (my best friend of 18 years) had known for months, seeing the faces and hearing the squeals and screams of excitement left a smile on my face that will take years to fade. I have never been happier or felt so much love in all of my life. And all because a boy asked a girl to marry him. I hope this feeling lasts a lifetime.