
Thursday, June 4, 2015

New Product Alert!

My latest creation is a collaboration of Glass Gardens, Small Acts Count and Fairview Place. And we couldn't be more pleased! We're offering two kit options: a single makes one terrarium about 4-6" in diameter, the double makes two that size or one larger one. The costs are $24 and $32, respectively.

Each kit comes with rocks, soil, moss and succulents. An instruction sheet is also included and the designs vary on the boxes to give you a little inspiration and learning opportunity. Kits can be reserved online, or are available to purchase at any Glass Gardens pop up or class. See the events schedule here.

#8: Terrarium Kits

I'm participating in the 92 Days of Summer challenge. Click here to see my 92 To-Do's for this Summer - and to see the brave souls tackling their own lists!