
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hopeful Green Thumb

It's reassuring knowing that I didn't just generate those trashing-digging cravings on my own. My dad found both of these planters next to his condo's dumpster last year and brought them down on his most recent visit. The tiered planter (below) I scored at a garage sale a few years back for just $5. A few coats of brown and gold spray paint and $20 worth of plants from Lowes - and voila!

I finally got around to replanting my African Violet as well. I hop that along with those planters, my dad gave me some of his green thumb so I can keep all these lush babies alive!

#55 Replant African Violet
#76 Porch Planters

I'm participating in the 92 Days of Summer challenge. Click here to see my 92 To-Do's for this Summer - and to see the brave souls tackling their own lists!