
Monday, July 18, 2016

Farm Wayfinding

One of many things I enjoy about working at a Zoo is designing exhibit signage. My first task was creating a comprehensive signage package for the Animal Wellness Campus, which included several large-scaled signs, infographics and wayfinding signals. In May, I was tasked with the ZooFarm which just received a major facelift in the Spring. All of the barns were repainted in bright child-friendly colors, several new animals were added and all of signage needed to be replaced. 

I had about two weeks to create the look, research the animals and photos, determine size, placement and get approval! Needless-to-say, it was quite the test. But, don't we really all work best under pressure (and crazy tight deadlines)? The ZooFarm looks brighter and prettier than ever (mainly thanks to our amazing Horticulture Department), so stop in and say hello– and meet our newest arrivals!