
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

#46: Freebie

All my good photo wall research became super useful last night. We spent some time Monday night arranging the frames in different ways and ended up liking most of them. I'm not really sure we ever settled on just one, but we must have gotten bored and left the room.... making this our final design. Kudos to Mike and his patience for doing all the precise measuring and hammering. Kudos to my toe for not breaking when the drill dropped on it.

This whole wall only cost me $2. I had all the frames, except the diamond mirrors which were purchased at the thrift store for $1 each. The faces are charcoal drawings my sister brought back from Asia. The teal butterfly is hand-stitched by my Great Aunt Alice (in 1978) and the other two pieces are things I designed. 

First photo wall down! #46, you're off the list! I'm participating in my third 92 Days of Summer challenge. Read about the project here.